dinsdag 8 november 2011

Besides & Ictus @ Bozar (Brussels)

Monday November 14th 2011 - 20h00

Frédéric Pattar & Jérôme Combier

The young virtuosos of the Besides ensemble, who enjoy the backing of the Ictus ensemble and will be accompanied by two of its musicians, present works by two contemporary composers with an ear for the essence of chamber music: attentive listening, intimacy, flexible phrasing, and painstaking attention to the art of shaping sound. Harp and electric piano, flute and zarb (an Iranian terracotta percussion instrument): all take part in the dialogue, at times murmured, at timesmezza-voce.

Miquel Bernat zarb - Mike Schmid flute - Ensemble Besides

More info: Bozar

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