zondag 17 februari 2013


february 21st 20h00

Ictus Zone: Mangalam!
Bozar / terarken

Ictus presents the adventurous Ictus Zone, featuring in this concert the Mangalam! Trio. This concert series (whose watchword is "constructive provocation") presents a new generation of musicians and ensembles active in contemporary music. Jean-Luc Plouvier, artistic coordinator Ictus, will provide a commentary on the concert, whose programme includes work by Philippe Hurel and by one of his pupils, Christophe Bertrand, who, sadly, died far too young.

Philippe Hurel, Step (2007) for flute, clarinet, percussion and piano
Christophe Bertrand, Virya (2003-2004) for flute, clarinet, percussion and piano

Charlotte Otte piano, Anne Davids flute, Tomonori Takeda clarinet, Thomas Plessers percussion 

More info: Bozar

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